Explorers of the Universe Wikia
Blue CyberSapiens

The Blue CyberSapiens are the rarest of all seven CyberSapiens races. They are often seen in the companion on the Green.

Blues where initially connected to the Energon Oceans. They preferred to either be in it's proximity, or to live just above it, in large towering cities.


They have dark blue skin with black circuit lines, bright blue irises, and black cornea.

They have circles (connected to the circuit lines), on their shoulders, hips, back of their palms, two on their back and one on their chest.

When using their powers, their eyes light up, emanating blue pixel-like projections. Same with their circuit lines (that glow blue) and dreadlocks.


They are always calm and compassionate. They care deeply for all live, be it organic or not.

They are have a deep connection with the Green, and a they don't go along with the Red (mostly due to their violent nature).

Race Ability: Emission[]

The Blue can emit Digital (or fotonic mass) constructs, of any kind, shape or size. The constructs are projected from the circles on their body. The constructs can be anything, from weapons to everyday tools. Some Blues seem to give their constructs a liquid consistence, due to their connection to the Oceans.

This ability of Emission should not be confused with the Violet's ability of Prism: while the former involves the use of literal solid light, for the creation of solid or liquid-like constructs, the latter uses light as energy, both visible light, ultraviolet or infrared.

Other Abilities[]

  • Extreme Resistance to Pressure: As they where based near Oceans, Blues developed increased resistance to overwhelming pressures, so they could explore the ocean floor.
  • Underwater Breathing: Another adaptation to their environment id their ability to survive underwater for a few minutes.